Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The first great difference of futsal pitch comes from reduced dimensions of the ground, since it is about a ground of handball. One can also play futsal in the open air, provided that it is on a ground of handball.

Futsal pitch commonly use a synthetic turf, synthetic surface, parquet floor or on a concrete.

In a futsal pitch, futsal is played 5 players, including 4 players of field plus a guard. The guard is known as "flying", it can leave his surface and take part in the play, like any player.

The replacements are unlimited, and can be made at any time play. One can change all a "line" of four players or change one player.

A guard can be also made replace by any player during the part. This solution is often used in last end, when a team loses with the score, and that she wants to return.

Futsal Malaysia - Futsal in Malaysia, Futsal Pitch, Futsal Synthetic Pitch, Futsal Turf, Futsal Synthetic Surface, Futsal Parquet Floor, Futsal Concrete, Futsal Stadium, Futsal Field, Futsal Ground, Futsal Ball, Futsal Shoes, Futsal Rules, Futsal Indoor Soccer, Futsal League, Futsal Video, Futsal Tactic, Futsal Tournament, Futsal Nike, Futsal World, Futsal Equipment

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